Fulfillment service provider and your tasks
A fulfillment service provider is a company that offers order processing for other companies, especially in e-commerce. This includes storing products, picking and packing orders and shipping them to customers.
By outsourcing fulfillment tasks to a logistics service provider, companies can save time and money while ensuring that their customers receive their orders quickly and efficiently.
Fulfillment service providers often use advanced technology and logistics expertise to streamline the fulfillment process and ensure a smooth experience for both businesses and customers.
Advantages of using a fulfillment service provider
Using a fulfillment service provider for your company has many advantages. First and foremost, you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as marketing and product development, while leaving the logistics of order fulfillment to the experts.
In addition, using a fulfillment service can ensure faster shipping, which can lead to more satisfied customers and higher sales.
An external service provider can help you save money by reducing the need for dedicated warehouse space and staff and providing discounts for bulk shipping.
Overall, working with a fulfillment service provider can help your business grow flexibly and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.
How do you choose the right fulfillment service provider for your company?
There are several factors to consider when choosing a fulfillment service provider for your company.
Firstly, you should look for a provider that has experience working with companies similar to yours. So you can be sure that he understands your specific needs and can offer tailor-made fulfillment solutions.
When making your decision, consider the size and complexity of your orders and the type of products you want to ship.
Also find out which services and technologies are offered for order processing.
Arrange a tour of the Fulfillment Center. Let them show you the individual processes. Ask for references you can call.
Working with a professional logistics service provider that integrates seamlessly with your existing business systems can maximize efficiency and help streamline processes.
You should also consider the location and shipping options as well as the provider’s prices and fees. It is important to choose a provider that offers transparent prices and no hidden fees.
Finally, you should find a fulfillment service provider that offers excellent customer service and support, as this will be critical to your success.
Services offered by fulfillment service providers in e-commerce
Fulfillment service providers offer a range of services to support companies in order processing.
The services may include the storage of goods, the preparation of goods, the order pickingpacking, shipping and even returns management.
Possible additional benefits:
- Container service
- Customisation
- Pre FBA Service
- Financial management
- MHD and batch tracking
- Serial number management
- Individual packaging solutions (e.g. branding, gift packaging, bottles)
By outsourcing these tasks to a fulfillment service provider, companies can save time and money and improve their overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.
In addition, many fulfillment service providers offer advanced technologies and software solutions that allow companies to automatically retrieve orders from the online store, such as Shopify, and manage inventory and orders more effectively.

Various fulfillment service providers
There are various fulfillment providers who take on different tasks.
Most of them offer 3 PL fulfillment.
But there are also 1, 2 or 4 party logistics.
Not all service providers take on fulfillment for every product either.
Especially for very large products, hazardous goods or refrigerated goods, the appropriate partner must be selected for warehousing.
In addition, some suppliers have minimum order quantities that must be met in order to be accepted as a customer.
Cost considerations when using a fulfillment service provider
Outsourcing order processing to a service provider can save you time and money in the long term, but you also need to consider the associated costs.
These costs may vary depending on the services you require, the order volume and the location of the service provider.
Research and compare prices from different providers to ensure you get the best deal for your business.
Also consider any additional fees or costs that may be associated with the services, such as storage fees or fees for processing returns.
Be sure to read the service contract carefully before signing it!
Watch out for hidden fees. You should also avoid fees based on turnover. It is essential that you avoid entering into long contracts that may involve high costs.
Always obtain several offers and contracts in order to compare them.
By leveraging the expertise and resources of logistics service providers, labor costs can be significantly reduced, order accuracy improved and shipping times shortened.
The OMT comparison platform gives you an overview of various fulfillment service providers ➚
and allows you to compare providers.
Tips for efficient fulfillment service providers in eCommerce
To ensure your eCommerce business takes full advantage of high-quality fulfillment services, follow these three tips for efficient service provider utilization.
First: Determine your key performance indicators (KPIs) in fulfillment service and measure them to adjust and optimize your processes. This could be the delivery error rate, the speed of delivery or customer satisfaction.
Secondly, find out about the integration and data exchange from and to your store system. Keep up to date with new innovations in picking and shipping that can help you optimize your processes.
Thirdly, and finally, ensure that your policies and procedures are clearly communicated from start to finish so that processes are followed correctly. First carry out test orders with the fulfillment service provider to ensure that the process runs smoothly.
Conclusion: If you take these tips to heart, you can use a professional fulfillment service effectively and achieve optimal performance for your company.
Maintaining quality control during order processing!
Quality control and transparency is an essential part of the logistics process, as it helps to ensure that products are delivered correctly and on time.
In logistics, quality checks are carried out at every stage of the process and made available digitally in the dashboard along with the status.
The demands placed on the provider by the online retailer are high. From the right choice of items to packaging and shipping.
The frequency of checks by the retailer should also depend on how quickly and how many different items need to be shipped. The articles may also need to be assembled. Thedesign should also be checked here.
A common approach to execution is to test a random sample from each shipment; if problems arise, all components can be checked for correct assembly and proper packaging before shipment.
Also look out for signs of transport damage or late delivery. Take remedial action as quickly as possible by contacting your customers and presenting concrete solutions.
FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen
Welchen Mehrwert erhalten Online-Händler?
Online-Händler profitieren davon, viele Arbeitsschritte zu sparen und sich voll auf das Verkaufen konzentrieren können. Während Fulfillment Dienstleister die Prozesse skalieren und optimieren, können Sie Ihr Geschäft flexibel aufbauen. Sie müssen sich nicht um die Lagerfläche, das Verpacken, Versenden oder die Retouren kümmern. Mit unserem Fulfillment kann Ihr Geschäft und die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kunden stetig wachsen.
Welche Dienstleistungen werden nicht übernommen?
Wir übernehmen für Ihre Endkunden folgende Dienstleistungen nicht:
- Rechnungsstellung
- Mahnwesen
- Kundenbetreuung
- Marketing
- Rechnungsstellung
Was kostet ein Fulfillment Dienstleister?
Ein Fulfillment Dienstleister berechnet die Kosten für den
- Wareneingang,
- Warenlagerung und
- Warenausgang.
Zusätzliche Kosten können für die Warenvorbereitung oder zusätzlichen Service, wie Geschenkverpackung oder Beilage eines Flyers anfallen.
Weitere Kosten fallen für die Nutzung externer Dienstleister an, wie Versanddienstleister oder Speditionen.
Warum Fulfillment Dienstleister im E-Commerce unverzichtbar werden?
Fulfillment Dienstleister kümmern sich um die Lagerung, Verpackung und Versand der Produkte.
Das bedeutet, dass die Händler sich voll auf ihr Kerngeschäft fokussieren können.
Und das Beste ist, dass sie die Infrastruktur und Expertise der Fulfillment Dienstleister nutzen können, um ihre Betriebskosten zu senken, ihre Effizienz zu steigern und flexibel auf Nachfrageschwankungen zu reagieren.
Außerdem ermöglichen sie einen weltweiten Vertrieb, da sie den internationalen Versand und die Logistikprozesse erleichtern.