Sustainable solutions for your products
Refurbishment: repair – refurbishment – recycling
We undertake the reconditioning (refurbishment) and repair of products for online retailers and manufacturers.
Upon receipt of returns at our fulfillment center, products are refurbished and repaired according to your instructions.
Repairing items is usually more sustainable than disposing of them. However, remanufacturing is often a labor-intensive task that we are happy to take on for you as a dealer. This saves time that you can better use for your online business.
Once items are restored to resalable condition, they are repackaged, stocked and shipped to the next customer.
What does refurbishment mean?
“Refurbishment” is an English term that is increasingly used in German. Refurbishment refers to product reconditioning, reconditioning, repair or refurbishment.
The term is often used in connection with electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops.
But this can also be the product preparation of golf balls, clothing or furniture.
However, the term is also used in English for the renovation or modernization of houses.
Product cycle in refurbishment
1. we send the Product to the end customer.
2. The end customer sends the Product back to us.
3. We check the Product .
4. We take over the refurbishment of the Products .
5. The Product is for sale again.
Which items are being repaired?
Generally, the returns are repaired by us, which are worthwhile from the seller’s point of view. We charge fixed costs for returns acceptance and visual inspection.
The repair is carried out in agreement with the seller. We discuss the requirements and desired measures with you.
You will receive a permanent employee with a telephone extension who is specially trained for your product.
We also employ master electricians who can perform extensive repairs with functional testing of technical equipment.

Which service is taken over?
At present, for example, we are reconditioning suitcases, routers and kitchen machines.
- We take over the visual and functional inspection.
- A cleaning with your specified cleaning agents.
- Checking cables and connections.
- Reset of the device.
- Replacement of spare parts.
- Foil and pack in a new original box.
- On request with photo of the renewed product.
- Resumption in stock, also as B-goods.
- Items that are defective can be cannibalized for spare parts.
- Professional disposal or return of the goods.
Recycling of returned goods
Unfortunately, not all returns can always be offered for sale again or you generally do not want to as an online retailer.
We will dispose of these goods properly for you. Of course, disposal at the landfill costs money. In return, you save on storage or your own disposal.
As part of our returns management, we can also offer environmentally friendly alternatives to disposing of goods if desired, such as passing them on to stationary retailers or wholesalers at a discount, charities and recycling projects.

FAQ Refurbishment
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Refurbishment und Repair?
Beim Repair werden die Artikel nur repariert. Beim Refurbishment werden die Artikel wieder aufbereitet, also ggf. auch gereinigt.
Was bedeutet Refurbishment im Fulfillment?
Mit Refurbishment ist die Wiederaufbereitung der Retouren gemeint.
Es kann sein, dass Artikel einfach nur neu verpackt oder gereinigt werden müssen.
Es können aber auch Teile des Artikels, die fehlen oder beschädigt sind, ersetzt werden, bevor der Artikel wieder zum Verkauf angeboten wird.
Vorteile von Refurbishment?
Das Wiederaufbereiten, Auffrischen oder Aufpolieren hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen, was der Umwelt zugutekommt.
Bevor ein Produkt weggeworfen wird, kann es in vielen Fällen wiederaufbereitet und zum Verkauf angeboten werden.
Damit senkt natürlich auch der Onlinehändler seine Beschaffungskosten.
Refurbishment bei Remissionen?
Kommt es zu Remissionen, also Rücksendung von Waren durch Großhändler wie Amazon, besteht das Wiederaufbereiten der Ware darin, die Ware zu prüfen, zu sortieren, neu zu verpacken und zu etikettieren.
Wir können Ihre Remissionen EU-weit, in UK und den USA annehmen.