Where is my parcel?
Track your order for almost all parcel services.
Use shipment tracking for your current parcel delivery.
You can track parcels from DHL, DPD and Hermes. But also find out the location of the parcel from parcel services such as FedEx, GLS, TNT, Trans-O-Flex or UPS.
Simply enter your consignment number (tracking number) or order number in the search field, which you received when you purchased the shipping label online or in the parcel store. Use this parcel tracking service in over 85 countries.
You will be redirected to the website of the respective shipping service provider or seller, such as Amazon or Zalando, who has your package in transit.
Parcel tracking - simply enter the tracking or consignment number:
You will be redirected directly to the website of the shipping service provider and see the status of the package for your order.
Overview of the shipping service providers
DHL shipment tracking
The DHL shipment number is a unique identification code that is used during shipping processing to track the status of a parcel. It usually consists of 10 to 39 digits and letters. You can track the location, status and time of delivery, as well as determine the delivery date and drop-off location.DHL shipment number
The consignment number has different formats depending on the type of shipment (national or international). A typical format for national parcels could look like this: JJD123456789012345678. For international shipments, the number can also contain letters, e.g. CN123456789DE.DPD shipment tracking
DPD is a parcel shipping service provider for business and private customers within Germany and internationally. By entering your parcel label or reference number, you can track the parcel live.
DPD shipment number
DPD consignment numbers usually consist of 14 digits. An example would be: 12345678901234. International shipments or special deliveries can also have different formats.
LIVE Tracking
A special DPD service is Live Tracking, which allows you to track the delivery of your parcel on a map in real time. Here you can see the exact position of the deliverer and the estimated delivery time to within 30 minutes.
UPS shipment tracking
UPS is widely used by business customers in the USA, internationally and in Germany. Cross-border shipping is also possible with UPS. For tracking UPS packages, use your tracking number.
UPS shipment number
UPS shipment numbers can have different formats, depending on the shipping method. Typical formats are
- A number beginning with “1Z” followed by 16 characters (e.g. 1Z99999999999999999999).
- A pure block of numbers, especially for air freight or international shipments (e.g. 9999999999).
Live updates and proof of delivery
You can also retrieve proof of delivery such as signatures or precise delivery time information via the shipment tracking function.
Hermes shipment tracking
Hermes does not yet offer live tracking. However, you can call up the status of the parcel using your consignment number. You will also be told the time of expected delivery with a 2 to 4 hour delivery window.
Hermes shipment number
Hermes consignment numbers usually consist of 14 to 16 digits. An example of a typical number would be: 12345678901234
Parcel status and delivery time window
A special service offered by Hermes is the display of a 2-hour time window in which the delivery is to take place, which makes planning easier for the recipient.
GLS shipment tracking
Use the GLS parcel number to track your shipment. You can use it to change the status of the parcel and, if necessary, the delivery option. If GLS Live Tracking is activated, you can track the parcel live.
GLS consignment number
The GLS consignment number usually consists of a combination of numbers and letters and is assigned to the sender when a parcel is sent.
FedEx shippment tracking
For the package shipped by FedEx, provide the shipment or order number you received. You can use it to check the status of the package.
FedEx shipment number
The FedEx tracking number usually consists of 12 to 15 digits, but can also consist of 20 or 22 digits, depending on the type of shipment (domestic or international). A typical example of a FedEx shipment number would be 123456789012.
International shipping
For international shipments, the shipment tracking contains additional details such as customs clearance status and international shipping stations.
TNT shippment tracking
Enter the TNT consignment number. You will receive this in the e-mail confirmation, on the consignment note or in the collection confirmation. With the shipment number, you can check the status, live tracking and proof of delivery on myTNT.
TNT shipment number
TNT consignment numbers usually consist of 9 or 13 characters, which can either be just digits or a combination of digits and letters. A typical example of a TNT shipment number is 123456789 or GE123456789WW.
International shipments
For international shipments, tracking also displays information on customs clearance and other relevant processes.
Trans-o-Flex shipment tracking
Enter the reference number. You will be redirected to the Trans-o-Flex website. There you still have to enter the postcode and house number. For detailed information of the package you can log on to Trans-o-Flex. Then you will even know the temperature curve of the parcel during transport.
Trans-o-Flex shipment number
The Trans-o-Flex consignment number usually consists of 12 to 14 digits. An example of a typical Trans-o-Flex consignment number would be 123456789012.
Temperature monitoring
As Trans-o-Flex is often used for temperature-sensitive goods, the tracking system can also include information on the temperature monitoring of the shipment.
Data published on 27.09.2023 | Information without guarantee
FAQ - Bestellung verfolgen
Was ist eine Sendungsnummer?
Die Sendungsnummer oder auch Tracking-ID besteht aus einer Kombination aus Zahlen und Buchstaben.
Ist die Sendungsnummer gleich mit der Tracking-Nummer?
Ja, die Sendungsnummer ist die Trackingnummer. Der englische Begriff “Tracking” bedeutet “Nachverfolgung” und wird immer mehr in der deutschen Sprache verwendet.
Wo ist meine Bestellung?
Sie warten auf eine Bestellung? Geben Sie oben die Sendungsnummer ein. Sie werden Sie auf die jeweilige Webseite des Versanddienstleisters oder Verkäufers weitergeleitet. Sie sehen dann den Status und Ort des Paketes für Ihre Bestellung.
Wie erhalte ich die Benachrichtigung über den Status?
Neben der Eingabe der Sendungsnummer oben in das Formular, bieten viele Versanddienstleister auch die Möglichkeit der Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail oder SMS zu erhalten, sobald sich der Status deiner Sendung ändert.
Probleme mit der Sendungsnummer?
Wenn die Sendungsnummer nicht funktioniert, kann es daran liegen, dass das Paket noch nicht in das System des Versanddienstleisters eingescannt wurde, oder es gab einen Tippfehler. In solchen Fällen empfiehlt es sich, etwas zu warten und es erneut zu versuchen.
Wer sendet mir ein Paket?
Sicherlich haben Sie in Ihrer Bestellbestätigung eine Sendungsnummer (Trackingnummer) erhalten. Wenn Sie diese oben eingeben, können Sie den Absender des Paketes sehen.
Warum wird als Versender Sube c/o angegeben und nicht der Verkäufer?
Die Subke GmbH ist ein Fulfillment Anbieter. Wir übernehmen für Onlinehändler und Hersteller die Lagerung und den Versand der Ware an den Endkunden. Deshalb sehen Sie als Absenderadresse Subke GmbH c/o und nicht den Verkäufer.
Was bedeutet Absender c/o?
Das Zeichen “c/o” auf dem Absender heißt im Englischen “care of” und bedeutet die “Betreuung von”.
An wen muss ich die Retouren senden?
Sie senden die Retoure mit dem mitgelieferten oder zugesendeten Retourenschein zurück. Darauf kann die Adresse des Verkäufers oder unsere Lageradresse stehen.
Erhalte ich als Onlinehändler die Trackingnummer?
Wir übermitteln automatisch die Trackingnummer per API Schnittstelle an Ihren Shop. In unserem Fulfillment Dashboard sehen Sie ebenfalls die Trackingnummer und den Status des Paketes.
Kann ich den Bestellstatus von Amazon sehen?
Ja, das können Sie. Geben Sie oben im Eingabefeld die Bestellnummer von Amazon ein. Sie werden direkt auf Amazon weitergeleitet und sehen im Login Bereich den Status Ihrer Bestellung.